Ep.45 Amazing Grace

Manasseh was the worst king in all of Israel. He led Judah into more sin than all the Canaanites who God moved out for Israel to go into the land.  YET when faced with prison and possibly death he humbled himself, called out to God and God forgave him and restored...

Ep.44 King Hezekiah

This message is about the life of King Hezekiah most notable king since David. When faced with the Assyrians coming to take Judah out He was welded to God and went before the Lord acknowledging Judah could not defeat them but God who created all things could defeat...

Ep.42 The River Runs Through

The tour of the City Of God is completed.  Assurance is given that God will complete every promise He has made in His Word. The final promise being His coming again. “Even so come Lord Jesus."   [video width="854" height="480"...

Ep.41 City of God – Part 2

In the new Jerusalem our forever home we live in His presence with all those who have trusted in Him. We will never be bored. Christ will continually be making all things new. [video width="854" height="480"...

Ep.40 City of God

Every person will live forever.  In the brief years of this life, we chose our eternal destination.

Ep.39 The Edge of Night

Praising for salvation and judgment.  Wedding of Christ and His Bride.  These are true words of God.

Ep.38 Babylon Part 2

Babylon Part 2 Revelation Chapters 17 and 18 describe the two Babylons.  In this chapter, Babylon is the economic system. Economic power combines with political power. Babylon under God’s great wrath.   [video width="854" height="480"...
